Refund Policy

Return Policy

Returns are not accepted as once we have customised our orders we cannot re-use our boxes hence why we cannot offer any returns. Every product will go through a thorough quality check before being sent off to you. 

Cancellation Policy

All customers have a right to cancel their order (if their order does not include customisation) as long as we have not packed your item and dispatched it. Customers also have a right to cancel their order (customisation or video has not yet been attached to the video box) as long as we have not started to process the order.

Damaged Goods

Before all orders are dispatched we will do a thorough quality check on all orders to make sure all orders are perfect before reaching you. We will photograph all orders beforehand to make sure we give the best service to our customers. If there is a chance your item gets damaged while on its way to you then please do contact us and we will make it right for you.